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Over the past two decades, conservation of large carnivores in Europe has emerged as a noteworthy accomplishment. This success can be attributed to the European Union’s commitment to enhancing the enforcement of nature conservation legislation.
Currently, about one third of mainland Europe hosts at least one large carnivore species, with stable or increasing abundance in most cases in 21st century records. At the same time, ensuring coexistence of people and large carnivores remains among the most challenging aspects, especially in the last years when the conservation conflicts are an increasing global problem.

WWF Bulgaria is part of a project called “Coexisting with bears – Conservation needs Conversation!” (2024-2026) financed by the CERV programme of the European Union. Its general objective is to enhance the impact of local citizens by enabling their proactive engagement in decision making processes and collaborative management related to mitigating conflicts between humans and wildlife, and promoting viable coexistence with bears. It is specifically targeted at empowering the youth, propelling gender equality, and uplifting marginalized groups residing in rural and mountain communities in 3 EU countries (Romania, Bulgaria, Hungary).
This can further on serve as best practice examples for other bear inhabited areas in Europe. In Bulgaria, efforts related to human-bear interactions are focused in the municipalities of Smolyan, Devin, and Chepelare, areas known for frequent encounters between people and bears.