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Restoration and conservation of riparian forests of habitat type *91E0 in Natura 2000 sites and model areas in Bulgaria“, LIFE13 NAT/BG/000801
Riparian forests are as rich in biodiversity as equatorial jungles. Home to hundreds of species of plants and animals, they are extremely important for the prevention of floods and landslides, while also naturally purifying water in the river. In torrential rain, high water floods riparian forests thus delaying its destructive speed. Riparian forests retain the water and then slowly return some in the riverbeds.
Riparian forests (habitat type 91E0*) are forests in the lowlands and plains which develop on rich soils, flooded periodically by the river. They are one of the most vulnerable and rare habitats. Although they occur all over the country, they occupy only half a percent of the area of the forest territories in Bulgaria
WWF, in partnership with the Executive Forest Agency and the Regional Forest Directorates Ruse and Plovdiv, implemented a project for restoration and conservation of natural riparian forests of native species along the rivers Danube and Maritsa.
Over a period of four years and a half we restored 48.1 hectares (481 acres) of natural riparian forests (habitat type 91E0*). In addition to afforestation, WWF implemented the innovative Saarland method for forest restoration. It allows identifying "trees of the future" of typical native species and removal of aggressive "competitive trees" of foreign species which impede their development by using environmentally friendly methods.
We restored 160 decares of riparian forests along The Maritsa River. Trees of local species such as poplar, field elm, oak, white and grey alder and narrow-leafed ash were planted.
In Marten-Ryahovo protected site, near Rousse we restored 321 decares. White willows and black poplars were planted.
A guide for restoration and management of riparian forests was developed. Its main purpose was to draw the attention of the owners and managers of these territories to their special status and specifics and to assist the professionals in their future work in managing and restoring them.
The project actively engaged volunteers, and in particular high school students, who helped with planting and growing trees. Young people's participation is very important because it is most appropriate to build the culture to conserve and restore natural resources and biodiversity from an early age.
The project was co-funded by the LIFE + instrument of the European Commission and was implemented from September 2014 to 2019.

Executive Forestry Agency
The Executive Forestry Agency is a legal entity funded by the State budget. It is responsible for the financing, management and control over the following activities: regeneration of forests, afforestation, anti- erosion activities, thinning; protection of biodiversity; protection of forests from pests and diseases; silvicultural activities; utilization of timber and non-timber forest resources; hunting and game protection; extension services and others.
Regional Forestry Directorate Plovdiv
RFD Plovidv is the organisation which exercises control over sylvicultural activities in forest territories despite of their ownership. The Directorate has specialists closely related to forest regeneration, production in nurseries, forest protection of forest territories.
Regional Forestry Directorate Ruse
RDFs are established in line with the Forest Act in order to provide supervision on forestry activities in forest territories. RDF Ruse has a lot of experience in supervision and implementation of afforestation, cultivation and timber production.

Executive Forest Agency (EFA)
Address: Sofia 1000, 55 Hristo Botev Blvd.
Tel.: + 359 (0) 2 98511503
web site:
EFA Team:
Tsenko Tsenov – Project Director
Kiril Tashev – Project Coordinator
Rosen Raychev – Forest expert
Katerina Kutina – Project Financial Director
WWF Bulgaria
Address: Sofia, Tsar Boris III Blvd. 19B. Floors 4 and 5
Tel.: + 359 (0) 2 9505041
web site:
WWF Team:
1. Diana Andreeva – Project Coordinator
2. Stela Apostolova – Technical Assistant
3. Kipriela Kelorska – Financial Manager
4. Aleksandar Bardarov – Forest Expert
5. Vladimir Ivanov – Communications Expert
Regional Forest Directorate Plovdiv
Address: 4002 Plovdiv
bul. "Sankt Peterburg" N 57
tel: + 359 32 / 275070
fax: + 359 32 / 643338
RFD Plovdiv Team:
Miroslava Velinova – Regional Project Coordinator
Svetla Sabakova – Accountant
Zoya Markova – Tendering Procedures Expert
Vanya Kapusheva – Forest Activities Expert
Aleksandar Diulgerov – Forest Activities Expert
Regional Forest Directorate Ruse
Phone: +359 (0)82 821 706
Fax: +359 (0)082 821 708
Address: Ruse 7000, 7 Skobelev Blvd, post box 443
RFD Ruse Team:
Bozhidar Iakimov – Regional Project Coordinator
Diana Pencheva – Accountant
Rostislav Dimov – Tendering Procedures Expert
Victor Mihaylov – Forest Activities Expert
Irena Banova – Forest Activities Expert